Basic Network Configuration with Windows 8

With Windows Server “8”, you no longer have to use netsh to set IP addresses from the command-line. Thanks to the new NetTcpip module, you can do a whole lot more network configuration via PowerShell.

NIC Teaming with Windows 8

It’s pretty easy to create a NIC team with Windows Server “8”. If you have tried with previous versions of Windows you know that third-party software was required. Now, it’s just a cmdlet away.

Using PowerShell to Remotely Query WMI

In one of the Desktop Management meetings here at the University, the question arose as to how we could more accurately judge how many machines we could remotely manage. Many of the desktops had gone through a successful, but fairly invasive migration process to get them into the domain, and as such things usually happen, there are a few that are a bit…“wonky”. SMS works fine for these desktops, but since the SMS client on the desktop requests a package (i.e., pulls) from the server, successful package installation isn’t a good indicator of remote manageability (via scripting, etc.). There were also many other things we wanted to know–how many had IPSec functioning properly (used to secure remote administration traffic) being one of them. So, I decided to pull together a script that could be run against our desktop fleet to determine just how many machines were “healthy”, from a remote-manageability standpoint.

"OALGen is running on the wrong CCR cluster node"

Sometimes I just have to wonder.

It seems that the Microsoft Exchange Team thought that you’d always want one Exchange Server 2007 CCR node to be the active, “primary” node, and the other node would always be the passive, “secondary” node. This isn’t exactly a problem, per se, except that there may be times when you want (or need) to make the “secondary” node the active one for an extended period of time. Still, not a problem, right? Sure…except when the System Attendant goes to regenerate the offline address book(s). At that point, you’ll get a nasty warning in the Application event log, EventID 9395: “OALGen is running on the wrong CCR cluster node”.

A Couple of PowerShell Scripts

So I went to a PowerShell training class we brought here on campus a while back. Going into a class like that already holding some general knowledge of scripting and programming, as well as specific knowledge of PowerShell (rudimentary, but still), means that by lunch-time on the first day I was bored, bored, bored. However, since I was basically getting three or four full days to play with PowerShell, I decided to play. These three little scripts are what came out of that play-time… :-)

My Personal PowerShell Profile

I’ve seen a lot of people post their personal PowerShell profile scripts online for others to peruse, so I figured I’d do the same. You can also view the most current copy in my Git repository.